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Each measuring spoonful (5 mL) contains: Phyllanthus niruri L. herbal extracts 25 mg.
STIMUNO is made from standardized herbal extract of Phyllanthus niruri (Meniran) which has gone through preclinical and clinical studies. As an immunomodulator (modulates the immune system), STIMUNO helps our body to produce more antibodies and activates the immune system to work optimally.
Phyllanthus niruri L. extract contains flavonoids eg, quercetrin, quercitrin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, rutin, nirurin; lignan consisting of phyllanthin, hypophyllanthin. Alkaloid mentioned as ent-norcecurinin. It also contains new lignan and isolignan eg, lintetralin, isolintetralin, nirtetralin, nirphyllin.


Enhance body immune system components in conditions such as tuberculosis, upper respiratory tract infection, chronic hepatitis B infection, herpes zoster infection, varicella infection in children and vaginal candidiasis.
Potential Usage: Relating to the mechanism and effect of Stimuno for the immune system, it is concluded that Stimuno has potential in: Terminating diseases at its incubation stage: Stimuno optimizes the ability of immune system components during incubation period of infection caused by bacteria, virus, fungus and parasite infestation, so that the body could terminate the development of the disease at its incubation stage. Preventing illnesses aggravation and accelerating recovery time: Stimuno has the potential to prevent illness aggravation and accelerate recovery time on diseases, caused by bacterial, virus, fungus, infectious parasites and cancer.

Dosage/Direction for Use

Cap: Adult: 3 capsules daily.
Syrup: Adult: 2 measuring teaspoonfuls (10 mL) 3 times daily. Children older than 1 year: 1 measuring spoonful (5 mL), 3 times a day.


Hypersensitivity to Phyllanthus niruri L. extract and patients suffering from autoimmune disease.
Syrup: With the formulations and dosage used, no contraindication has been reported.


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