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XNC Nail Polish Remover 150ml


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XNC Nail Polish Remover 150ml is a reliable and efficient solution for removing nail polish effortlessly. This acetone-based nail polish remover effectively dissolves and removes all types of nail polish, including stubborn and dark-colored shades, leaving your nails clean and ready for a fresh application.

The compact and travel-friendly 150ml bottle provides ample product for multiple uses, making it convenient for both at-home and on-the-go nail care. The twist-off cap ensures easy and controlled dispensing, preventing any unnecessary spills or wastage.

To use, simply saturate a cotton pad or ball with the XNC Nail Polish Remover and gently press it onto each nail for a few seconds to allow the solution to penetrate and dissolve the polish. Then, firmly wipe the cotton pad over the nail surface to remove the polish completely. Repeat if necessary for more pigmented or layered nail polish.

This nail polish remover is designed to be effective yet gentle on your nails and cuticles. It is also free from harsh chemicals such as toluene and formaldehyde, providing a safer and more gentle option for your nail care routine.

With XNC Nail Polish Remover, you can effortlessly remove your nail polish without leaving any residue or staining behind. Keep your nails looking fresh and ready for your next manicure with this reliable and convenient nail polish remover.


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